Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis services offered by Ben Rogerson Yacht Design

A process of optimising performance through mathematical modelling and analysis. 

Our tools for performance analysis have been created in-house, enabling us to deliver the quality products to our high exacting standards. Leveraging the power of RANSE CFD we have achieved an incredible 6 degrees of freedom in VPP resolution, with the ability to optimise across several design and operational variables to deliver not just the best performing hull, but the best performing system within the constraints. Accurate analysis within yacht design is vital for creating an optimised and efficient design, something we take great pride in. 

Performance Analysis Toolsets

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In-house Performance Software

Our hull design processes utilise our in-house developed design software FormFlow which enables the development of adaptable parametrised hull geometry and appendages for analysis later in RANSE CFD simulation.


Numeca Fine Marine RANSE CFD

Simulation-Based Approach

During this phase we take a simulation-based approach utilising RANSE Computational Fluid Dynamics in analysis of; flat water resistance, trim, and motions. As well as further analysis where required in assessment of performance in waves: peak accelerations and added resistance at specific significant wave height and period. This enables a systemic assessment of variants in optimisation of a final design selection. 

Where required BRYD draw on Numeca’s consultancy services in development of the case simulation methodology and setup. 

Simulation cases are run either on our inhouse server or in the cloud, dependent on volume of computations. With this approach we can cost effectively optimise the design across hydrostatic conditions and geometrical changes including spray rail and hull steps positioning.

Resistance and Seakeeping

Another performance analyst tool used by BRYD is the resistance and seakeeping analysis. This is undertaken throughout the process of hull design optimisation.  

Neural Networks

Our optimisation processes utilise a range of advanced mathematical modelling techniques including artificial neural networks and Latin hypercubes to accurately assess design variations across multiple variables. 


If you like what you see and think we could support you in a project with the design services we provide we would be happy to assist. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch or pop by our office for a discussion.

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